Completing an introductory collaborative training is an important step through the doorway into collaborative divorce practice, but we know that without a structured program for more advanced learning after you’ve handled some collaborative cases, it can be difficult to see, much less leave behind, the habits of mind and practice that actually stand in the way of building the vibrant collaborative practice you dream of.
Ask highly successful collaborative professionals for the secret for how it is that their clients choose collaboration while yours do not, and you’re likely to hear answers that will surprise you. They don’t talk about marketing or branding or social media, because important as those activities can be, they are like lipstick on a pig if you haven’t yet developed a profound internal understanding of the power of interdisciplinary team collaboration. That’s what we call the “paradigm shift,” and guiding you toward experiencing that shift is what this seminar aims for.
Course Objectives:
- To develop a step-by-step, in-depth understanding of the structure and technique of collaborative team conflict resolution practice during the “Opening Moves,” “Midgame,” and “Endgame” phases of a collaborative divorce.
- To mine your own collaborative case experiences for important lessons about interdisciplinary teamwork: what works, what doesn’t work, and why.
- To identify unexamined habits and assumptions about your professional role and responsibilities during divorce negotiations that may be holding you back from experiencing the remarkable power of interdisciplinary collaborative teamwork.
- To build an authentic, confident and highly personal sense of conviction about the unique opportunities and values that a collaborative team divorce can offer for clients and their children as compared with any other way of obtaining professional help through a divorce, so that when you talk about it, clients will want it.
Seminar Date and Time: Date(s): April 25, 2024 - December 26, 2024
Time: 4-6pm PDT / 7-9pm EST on the last Thursday of each month, for a period of nine consecutive months (It is acknowledged that some of these classes may fall on a holiday, so attendees will determine final schedule with instructor) Please check your local time here. |