Late last week, the IACP Board came together on Zoom for three days of deep-dive discussions about key elements of our strategic plan. Early on, I shared an ambition that twenty-twenty-five become twenty-twenty-THRIVE for IACP. The themes we explored together with vulnerability, curiosity, and deep thought included: What does it mean to be truly international? What role should we have in creating public awareness of Collaborative Practice? What does it mean to be an Academy? What are our values as an organization? Who are we and what is our purpose?
In the past few years, Board service has involved necessary pivots, urgent decisions, and having to be responsive, so it felt a welcome luxury to be able to come together to dwell in a proactive space where we could share our perspectives on these forward-focused topics, which will help to shape IACP’s goals for this year (and beyond!). The conversation and planning will continue over the next two months as the Board meets to synthesize and land our discussions further. For me personally, the meeting was yet another Board moment where I experienced growth through personal challenge, fun, and a lot of learning from others. I was left feeling enormously grateful again to be able to share the company of such fabulous humans.
You too can be part of such a fulfilling experience and directly shape IACP’s future. Expressions of Interest for Board Service commencing April 2025 are currently being sought. Whatever your profession, your place in the world, your identity—we welcome you to submit your application.
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi – with your food basket and my basket, the people will thrive. |