Knitting Together Community I am a knitter. Those of you who see me at the Forum may see me with my hands as busy as my mind, tying knots that create structure, stranding together different colors and materials into coherent shapes, or sometimes even taking apart something old that no longer serves and re-knitting it into something new and useful. Knitting keeps me focused, and it provides some good metaphors for the work of Collaborative professionals. Last week, I was knitting in Florida at an IACP board meeting and at the annual conference of the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals. It was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on how the local nature of our work intertwines with the global aspect. In one sense, Collaborative Practice is hyper-local. The work happens in specific jurisdictions, with individual families, in private office spaces. For Collaborative to flourish, it needs to grow in local communities of professionals who establish trust by working regularly together. The word needs to spread locally, too, from satisfied clients to their friends, co-workers, and family members. The FACP offers a great example of how a local community of professionals can build and expand the visibility and success of CP through hard work, networking, and mutual support of the professional community. In another sense, though, these local actions add up to global impact. CP is truly a global movement that is changing the ways families resolve disputes, and the ways professionals practice, in over 25 countries on six continents. The international panel at FACP really highlighted this, with panelists from Hong Kong, Australia, Italy, Canada, and the U.S. (many of them IACP board members) speaking about their experience with CP in different cultures. Adaptability is built into CP, with its emphasis on individualized solutions that are driven by the values of the parties themselves, and innovative approaches have evolved in different cultures as a result. One of IACP’s most important roles is in knitting these two aspects – the local and the global – together. We gather the home-grown Collaborative wisdom that is developing in local communities around the world and help spread these best practices from the Netherlands to Brazil, from Vancouver to Tulsa, from Australia to Japan. In stringing these communities together, we also create a unified set of standards for CP, establishing a reliable structure that can be recognized from one jurisdiction to another, supporting both quality and innovation. In doing so, we nurture and educate professionals who carry these lessons back home to build their communities and to help families, one family at a time. Once again, this Collaborative Connection offers you many threads to engage with your global community, and many opportunities to share wisdom with your professional peers. I hope to be with you virtually at one of our webinars, to hear from your experience at one of our Introductory Trainings, and of course, to see you at the Forum this year in Chicago. I’ll be the one with the yarn in my bag! With warm wishes, Anne Tamar-Mattis