As we are approaching the holiday season, it strikes me how different this moment could be for many of us, depending on where we live, what we believe in, what our personal and family condition is, or how we feel. The more global our community becomes, the wider the differences amongst us can be - culturally, geographically, religiously, and we could go on adding and adding. This brings me to think about the many different shapes Collaborative Practice has taken in different parts of the world (or even in different parts of the U.S.) and how as a global community, we are continuously challenged to remember there is no right or wrong way to do things. We are enriched with this variety of models, methods, protocols, and laws. I feel the privilege of being part of such an open community that is still able to play many different tunes around one basic theme and to share between its members a true collective wisdom. As Collaborative Practitioners, we are all blessed with the opportunity of helping families dealing with conflict constructively and respectfully, while acting in different contests and with different rules. And even when we are not acting in a Collaborative case, we can bring the skills we have learned and the values we believe to the table and still make a difference. In many countries and communities, this is a time of the year where gifts are exchanged, and IACP wants to be part of this tradition. Earlier this month, we hosted a webinar about maximizing your IACP profile and social media accounts to gain clients. We're providing a replay link as a gift to all IACP supporters in hopes that you'll use the information to move into the new year with momentum. Click HERE to watch the replay now. Happy Holidays, whatever that means to each of you!
Francesca King IACP, Board President |