I hope you are all well, healthy, and safe. The situation is still critical around the world, with many different nuances depending on country to country (or region to region). In many places, the restrictions are being now gradually lifted, and life is regaining some of the normality it was forced to leave in March. While this happens, our clients will need our services more than ever. As Collaborative professionals, we have to be ready to face new challenges and new work and life perspectives with them. In the meantime, here at IACP, we are transitioning our annual Networking and Educational Forum to a virtual forum. We are very excited planning this transition; like a puzzle, many pieces are gradually coming together. We had a great program of workshops and PFIs, and I am happy to let you know that nearly every presenter is willing to transition to a virtual workshop. The program will be great. We will be able to reach different regions and accommodate different time zones. We are also working on the networking and fun part of the program – there will be surprises!
The dates to save in your calendar are October 19-22 (for PFIs) and October 23 throughout October 29, 2020, for the actual Forum. Registration will open around the second half of July, so keep an eye on your inboxes. I’m happy to say that this year’s member discount for Forum has been increased to an incredible $205, so your membership will more than pay for itself!
If you are a part of a Whole Group, you’ll save even more, so while you’re waiting, it’s a great time to pull your Whole Group together and make sure your membership is current. Another very important development I am proud to announce regards the new Policy on Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion the IACP board passed during the last board meeting in May. It is another step in the direction of building equity and inclusion at every level of IACP, we are very aware there is a lot of work still to be done, but be sure we are ready to do it. Finally, I am honored and happy to announce the composition of our 2020/21 Executive Committee, to begin their service in October 2020: President: Anne Lucas, Washington, USA Past President: Francesca King, Italy President-Elect: Lori Gephart, Pennsylvania, USA Treasurer: Robert Merlin, Florida, USA Secretary: Brian Gailbraith, Ontario, Canada And please join me in welcoming our incoming board members, also to begin service in October: - Olivia Furst, Brazil - Cheryl Panther, Tennessee, USA - Selina-JaneTrigg, New Zealand We are fortunate to have a diverse group of board members who have both the desire and expertise to help us achieve our ambitious goals of growing and strengthening our global community of Collaborative Practice professionals. It will be a great Board for what we hope will be a great year! Francesca King IACP Board President