Welcome to the IACP Community

The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) is a global community of legal, mental health and financial professionals working in concert to create client-centered processes for resolving conflict.

Our Mission:

To transform the way families resolve conflict by building a global community of Collaborative Practice and consensual dispute resolution professionals.

Collaborative Practice

  • Empowers you to resolve your legal disputes without judges, magistrates or court personnel making decisions for you.
  • Provides you with specially trained Collaborative lawyers, mental health and financial professionals to educate, support and guide you in reaching balanced, respectful and lasting agreements.
  • Offers you a safe and dignified environment to reduce the conflict and minimize its impact on you, your children, your family and your life.


Locate Collaborative Professionals

Find Collaborative Practice professionals in your area using our member directory:

Are you a collaborative practitioner who wants to join us? Click here to find out how