"Change the Future. Collaborate."
The 24th Annual IACP Networking and Educational Forum is the largest and most preeminent gathering of Collaborative professionals from around the world.
The 2023 Forum in Toronto promises to be another incredible opportunity for networking, education, and sharing of best practices. Supporting partners and IACP members will not want to miss out on the sponsorships and events associated with this tremendous conference.
Our Forum by the Numbers...
More than 300 lawyers, mental health professionals, financial professionals, and other Collaborative practitioners from all over the world are expected to attend the Forum at The Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, CA, October 19-22, 2023.
THREE exciting and learning-packed days where Collaborative practitioners increase their knowledge and network with peers, leaving participants inspired and energized in their efforts to help separating couples, families, and parties in conflicts through the Collaborative Process.
More than 50 of the most seasoned and highly sought-after Collaborative professionals will lead multiple workshops including up to FOUR intensive, full-day Pre-Forum Institutes and multiple educational 90-minute workshops and intensive three-hour workshops.
To meet printing deadlines and ensure all logos and materials have been properly received, the deadline for sponsorships is Friday, August 18, 2023.
Currency Rate Information
Please review this important Currency Rate Information document prior to Forum!
All sponsor levels include the following benefits:
•Recognition in the Forum notebook
•Recognition on Forum signage
•Sponsor badge ribbons for your representatives attending the Forum
Please note this year Exhibitor Table Space is limited, therefore we have created several new and unique sponsorship opportunities to ensure the best experience for our sponsors. A limited number of Exhibitor Tables are available as a standalone opportunity and are on a first-come, first-served basis. Other sponsorship opportunities do not include an Exhibitor Table.