Our Donors

IACP gratefully recognizes the following individuals whose contributions to our 2024/2025 Annual Campaign is enabling us to nurture Collaborative Practice globally.

Luminaries ($5,000 and up)

Stu Webb*

Visionaries ($2,500 to $4,999)

Robert Arthur*
Brian Galbraith*
Cheryl Panther*

Trailblazers ($2,000 – $2,499)

Adam Cordover*
Diane Diel 
Leslie Garrison*
Julia McAninch*
Tricia Peters*
Elaine Silver*
AJ Skogerson*
Rajashree Suppiah*

Sustaining Link & Leadership Link ($1,000 – $1,999)

Lisa Alexander
Chris Arnold
Sylvia Basso
Mike Bonacorsi
Leslie Bottimore
Kimberly Davidson
Anthony Diaz
Stephanie Dobson
Jacinta Gallant
Deb Gilman*
Randy Heller
David Hoffman
Carol Hughes
Francesca King
Theresa Kulat*
Louise Livesay-Al
Anne Lucas
Robert Merlin*
Katherine Morneau*
Alisa Peskin-Shepherd*
George Richardson
Lynda Robbins
Marc Sheridan
Rajashree Suppiah
Selina Trigg
Jeff Wasserman
Cypress Collaborative Divorce
The Crouch Group, Inc. 

* indicates a 3-year Sustaining Links commitment.

Count Me In (up to $999)

Maria Jose Anitua
Maribeth Blessing
Kay Chan
Collaborative Professionals of Phoenix
Deborah Clemmensen
Ann Conway
CPP Inc.
Sandra Crawford
Roxanne Cull
Connie Faye den Hollander
Gary Direnfeld
Tonja Eagen
Mary Gurganus
Susan Hansen
Barbara Kelly
Michael Lowy
Gale Moore
Ron Ousky
Marguerite Picard
Charles Quaid
Jacqueline Roessler
Nancy Ross
Carl Rossi
Lee Schwartz
Claudia Stueheimer
Susan Wilson Keener
Nebraska Collaborative Professionals


We also offer our deep appreciation to those who have pledged to the Legacy Giving campaign.

Suzan Barrie Aiken
Lisa Alexander
Hal D. Bartholomew
Adam B. Cordover
Ross and Jan Evans
Christopher M. Farish
Rebecca H. Fischer
Brian and Nicole Galbraith
Loretta Gephart
Francesca King
Anne Lucas
Robert J. Merlin
Ron Ousky
Rita Pollak
George Richardson
Lynda J. Robbins
Kevin R. Scudder
Amy "AJ" Skogerson
Pauline H. Tesler
Daniel Zack