How New Advances in AI are Shaping the Legal Profession

Date and time: 
July 10, 2024 - 12:00pm
Event type: 
Educational Opportunity

Discover the latest innovation on the tech space and how it's transforming the legal industry as it applies to professional and ethical implications. Don't miss out—register now to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to stay ahead in today's rapidly evolving professional landscape! 

1.        Intro to AI a.        a quick recap

2.        Document preparation a.        Intake forms b.        Applications c.        Financial Briefs d.        other

3.        Marketing a.        Images b.        Video & Avatars c.        Audio d.        Chatbots e.        Hash Tags +

4.        Social Media

5.        Legal Research

6.        Risk Management

7.        The Rules of Professional Conduct

8.        New Advances in AI a.        Slack, Zoom, Divorcemat, Clio, Supio, ++



Contact email:
Russell Alexander Family Lawyers
Price info: 
