In the world of family law, where emotions can be overwhelming, imagine helping families go through a divorce peacefully and with a team to support you and the family. What if you could work with professionals you know, like, trust, and respect? Learn to offer Collaborative Divorce services in this highly interactive Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Family Law training designed for attorneys, mental health professionals, accountants, financial advisors, mediators, and anyone wanting to help families in a better way. The training will focus primarily on the One Coach (also known as Neutral Facilitator or Neutral Mental Health Professional) model of Collaborative Practice.
19.0 General and 2.5 Ethics CLE Credits (Approved).
Tobias Financial Advisors - 900 S. Pine Island Road, Training Room, Plantation FL 33324
Adam B. Cordover, J.D., M.A., is a collaborative attorney, ABA author, trainer, and Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator who practices exclusively in private dispute resolution in Tampa, Florida. Adam is an incoming member of the Board of Directors of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (“IACP”), Co-Chair of the IACP Research Committee, Co-Chair of the Leadership Institute of the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals, and a Past President of Next Generation Divorce, growing it to become one of the largest collaborative practice groups in the U.S. Adam is co-author with Forrest (Woody) Mosten of an American Bar Association Book on “Building A Successful Collaborative Family Law Practice.”
Jeremy S. Gaies, Psy.D., is a licensed psychologist and certified family mediator who specializes in helping divorcing families pursue peaceful solutions. Dr. Gaies has played a leadership role in advancing the collaborative movement at the local, state, and national level. He is a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals, the Tampa Bay Academy of Collaborative Professionals, and Next Generation Divorce. Dr. Gaies is the author of “A Clear and Easy Guide to Collaborative Divorce” and the co-author of “Mindful Co-Parenting: A Child-Friendly Path Through Divorce.” In addition to his work with Tampa Bay Collaborative Trainers, Dr. Gaies is a national speaker on divorce-related parenting matters.
Marie-Eve Girard, CPA/ABV is an experience Collaborative Financial Neutral. She is past Co-Chair of Next Generation Divorce Practice Group. Marie-Eve is also past co-chair of the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals' Conference Committee and Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Additionally, she is an instructor for the financial section of the Family Mediation Certification Training and also provides mediation services for spouses who want to settle on their terms rather than having a Judge decide their future.