Phoenix, AZ IACP Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Training and Third Day of Advanced Training

Date and time: 
January 9, 2020 - 7:00am to January 11, 2020 - 4:00pm

Tired of adversarial divorce cases? Ready for a better model? There really is a better way. Attend the Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Training January 9-11, 2020 to find out more.

Collaborative Processionals of Phoenix is hosting IACP training team Barbara Hummel, LPC, Kim Gordon, JD, and Lisa Schneider, CDFA, CFP for 2 days of Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Training and one day of advanced Collaborative Practice training (CPP).

Collaborative Professionals of Phoenix (CPP) is comprised of attorneys, mental health professionals and financial professionals who have been trained in the Collaborative Divorce Process, as well as affiliate members who support the collaborative law process.



Lodestar Dispute Resolution Center
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona
111 E. Taylor St., Phoenix, AZ


Barbara Hummel, LPC, Kim Gordon, JD, and Lisa Schneider, CDFA, CFP

Contact email:
Price info: 

2 Day Basic Jan 9 & 10, 2020: Practitioners $550| Students $50
Advanced Jan 11, 2020: Practitioners $250| Students $25
All 3 days: Practitioners $800| Students $75 |Previously Trained Professionals $450