Welcome to the third and final segment of "In Whose Best Interest?"! There are two separate sessions included: on October 16 and on November 13, each from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
In May 2023, we presented a workshop to address collaborative and mediation cases that should terminate when the integrity of the non-adversarial process is so impaired that the self-determination of the parties is no longer possible. We touched on the current standards and best practices of the IACP and APFM. We continued this exploration in the beginning of 2024, looking at reasons for termination, screening to protect the process, and what happens when neutrality is questioned.
This fall, we are taking a deep dive into the logistics and ethics of terminating or not terminating. We will be engaging in role plays as well as presentations, discussions, and Q&A.
The Sessions
October 16, 2024: Understanding the best practices and ethics involved in continuing Mediations and Collaborations that no longer maintain the integrity of the defined process and in terminating those cases. We will be reviewing existing standards and providing guidelines for situations when termination is the most ethical path to follow.
November 13, 2024: Wondering how and when to have the difficult conversation(s) about whether to terminate or withdraw from your mediation and collaborative cases? Join us to learn:
- The Do's and Don'ts of terminating or withdrawing from your Mediation or Collaborative Divorce
- How to transition your clients to a different process
- How to bring in a new professional
Hope to see you there!
Virtually (Zoom)
Louise Zito, Esq. has mediated family and related matters for over 35 years and draws heavily on her Mediation experience in her Collaborative work. She takes great delight in training new mediators and learning from them and her partner, Eva DeFranco, who never fails to challenge and energize. Louise also trains Attorneys, Family Specialists and Financial Specialists in Advanced Family Mediation and Collaborative topics. Contact Louise at lzito@dolanfamilylaw.com or 203-397-6171. https://www.dolanfamilylaw.com/
Eva DeFranco, JD, a partner at Collins Hannafin, P.C., is a divorce mediator and collaborative divorce practitioner. She has practiced divorce law since 1986 and was trained in mediation and collaborative practice in 2005 and 2007. She is a partner at Collins Hannafin, P.C. Contact Eva: edefranco@chlaw-ct.com or (203)-885-1938
Elizabeth S. Thayer, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist at Beacon Behavioral Services LLC, West Hartford, Ct. She is trained in mediation and collaborative divorce and has many years of interdisciplinary experience as a mental health collaborative divorce coach. She is a founder or the Collaborative Connection of Connecticut practice group and a Co-Chair of the International Association of Divorce Professionals Trainers Committee. She is co-founder of the PEACE Program, a parent counseling program for parents of divorce and the co-author of two publications: The Co-Parenting Survival Guide and Adult Children of Divorce. Contact Dr. Thayer: ethayer@beaconbehavioral.com or www.beaconbehavioral.com
$180 for CCND Members - Early Bird until 8/31/24: $160
$240 for Non-members - Early Bird until 8/31/24: $220
No refunds for cancellations after September 15.