
WS #23 The Art of Neutrality: Learning the Essentials for Neutral Collaborative Professionals

This workshop is designed to educate professionals on the role and benefit of neutral team members in Collaborative divorce. Financial neutrals and mental health professionals will learn the art of neutrality and review the Model Standards. Lawyers will learn how to maximize the benefit of working with neutral team members. All participants will join in an activity on unconscious bias and review the importance of emotional management and nonverbal communication. This is an interactive workshop with ample Q & A for the end of the workshop for Collaborative team building.

WS #22 Helping LGBTQI Families: Gender Spectrum and Transgender Challenges Including Transitioning

This workshop prepares all professionals for working with clients that identify as transgender or on the gender spectrum, including 1) teaching best practices; 2) work in teams on financial issues related to transitioning and parenting issues in a divorce setting; and 3) discussion of gender identity discrimination and the law.

WS #21 Role of Law in Collaborative Practice: How, When and Where

Collaborative professionals debate the role of law in collaboration citing potential ethical violations regarding advocacy and responsibility to educate. This panel discussion will explore when, where, and how the law should and must be considered and the relationship to client self determination. This is an important backdrop for the neutral professionals.

WS #19 For Better or Worse - But Not For Lunch: How the Collaborative Process Guides Divorce After 60

People over 60 are the largest cohort of the divorcing population. We will discuss the unique challenges for people whose lives are upended by divorce well past life’s midpoint. Collaborative tools help navigate divorce coinciding with retirement, the mental and physical health changes, and financial implications of aging.

WS #17 Divorce Dialogues: Strategies for Successful Collaborative Conversations

Collaborative Communication is not one size fits all. Successful outcomes for all parties involved will be dependent on productive conversations. Whether you are speaking with one or many, in-person, virtually, or in print, the magic lies in proper preparation, perception and delivery. Learn key factors in becoming more flexible and effective in your collaborative communication and have better conversations with your clients and your team with better outcomes for all.

WS #16 “Elephant in the Room”- Effects of Infidelity on a Collaborative Process

Infidelity occurs in many divorces regardless of which divorce process is used. Only Collaborative Process offers a supportive approach when dealing with the emotions, financial and legal issues that accompany infidelity. Learn about the five different types of infidelity and the effects on the Collaborative Process, the professionals and the couple.

WS #14 Sushi for Lunch? Adapting Collaborative Process for Cultural Needs

Culture is an important aspect in international collaborative processes. Understanding, appreciating and working with the cultural lens in the collaborative team across the world will help to create successful collaborative divorces. This workshop will focus on how the collaborative process can be adapted to meet a family's different cultural needs in order to work towards a collaborative divorce.