Katherine Miller

New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States
LawyerHaving litigated family law cases for many years and having been through my own divorce, I am dedicated to help clients navigate their own divorces with support and compassion to reach the best solution for themselves and their families. Collaborative Practice is the focus of my work because I believe it serves clients more individually and more efficiently.
Professional Activities
Trainer with the Center for Understanding Conflict (Center for Mediation in Law).Undergraduate Education
Vassar College, A.B. 1982
Professional Education
Fordham University School of Law, JD 1986
Basic Collaborative;
Mediation Skills for Collaborative Professionals;
The Collaborative End Game;
The Role of Law;
High Conflict cases;
Collaborative Negotiations;
Mediation Intensive Training;
Difficult Conversations with Collaborative Colleagues;
Self-Reflection in Action;
Support & Development for Collaborative Professionals
Basic Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training.This training includes a complete introduction to interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce theory, practice, and skills development as well as ethics and practice development considerations. Participants learn how to work within a multidisciplinary team and how the Collaborative Divorce process integrates the roles and functions of all team members to best assist families in their process of restructuring. Participants will also learn how an interdisciplinary team deals with difficult clients by offering family members the legal, emotional and financial support they need during the divorce process. October, November 2010, March, October 2012 and October 2013.
Collaborative Law for Lawyers - basic training the the Collaborative model and the paradigm shift necessary to work with parties in this way March 2007, January 2008);
Collaborative End Game-This program explores how to deal with the final stage of working toward a completed agreement on all issues while maintaining a Collaborative framework and feel throughout. Participants learn how they can break down the end game into productive and mutually rewarding steps without succumbing to the traps of traditional distributive bargaining. Creative options are generated and then tested based on both parties' interests in ways that allow the professionals and parties to reach closure with respect and care (March 2009, April 2009, April 2010, May 2010).
Mediation Skills for Collaborative Professionals - addresses the practical, theoretical and personal dimensions of integrating the understanding based mediative perspective into a collaborative practice. The training assists collaborative professionals to support the parties’ understanding of each other that can lead to a successful resolution. To support a client-centered process, the participants will learn:
• The difference between traditional advocacy, neutrality and collaborative advocacy * Awareness of the tensions that arise in a collaborative case
• Reaching agreements with clients regarding process
• The bases for decision-making, including the role of the law
• Developing creative options that address differing needs and interests
November 2009)
Mediation Intensive Training - The Mediation Intensive Training provides both experienced mediators and those new to the field with the perspective and skills necessary to work within the Understanding based model of mediation. Participants learn what it takes to shift from a stance of advocacy to one of mediation - for professionals and parties alike. The program is open to attorneys as well as other professionals working to integrate the principles of mediation into their practice or work. May/June and Nov. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,2012, 2014
High Conflict Cases - This program helps professionals working in Mediation and Collaboration deal with high conflict matters including high levels of emotion and difficult dynamics. (Mar 2009)
Role of Law - Collaborative professionals struggle with the role of the law in collaborative cases.
This training clarifies the role of the law in collaborative cases and how collaborative professionals can guide parties to their own determination of the weight and relevance of the law to their situation. (Oct 2009)
Support & Development for Collaborative Professionals - supports professionals working in mediation and Collaborative Practice to develop their skills and get supervision with their challenging cases. The class meets for a series of 5 classes and is often a case presentation that is written up in advance and distributed to the other class members. The presenter then also makes a verbal presentation at the beginning of the class. The focus on what is challenging or particularly poignant for the presenter. There are discussions, role plays and some minimal lectures as part of each three hour evening, The class meets once a month.(monthly except summer from 2007 to present)
Self-Reflection in Action - this course seeks to support participants to deepen and apply their own understanding of themselves to work more effectively with parties in conflict. These advanced courses are for experienced mediators, collaborative professionals, and/or lawyers interested in making a significant commitment to developing their skills in self-reflection as applied to working with people in conflict.
(Nov 1009, June 2010)
please see above
Mary Ellen Linnehan (914-242-7200 mlinnehan@gmail.com;
Kathryn Lazar 8450896-9651 klazar@lazarandschwartx.com
Tracy Timby tracytimby@timbyhunt.com
others on request
My practice is exclusively Collaborative Practice and mediation. I am on the Board and President-elect of the New York Collaborative Law Group in the Metropolitan New York Area.