Shawn Weber

Solana Beach, California 92075
United States
Lawyer, MediatorShawn has a different style of advocacy! He understands that family law disputes often invoke the most primal of human emotions, so he coaches clients on how to navigate the constantly changin currents of family law. Not your everyday attorney, Shawn has worked exclusively in family law for more than 16 years using Dophin Lawyering with great success in the areas of:
-Negotiated Settlements
-Family Law Agreements
-Collaborative Practice
Shawn is also a Specialist Certified in Family Law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization (CLS-F), which means that Shawn is a recognized expert in family law and divorce.
If you are looking for a holistic approach approach that reveals hidden options for settlement, preserves the long-term interests of the family and empowers you resulting in a high settlement success rate, contact Shawn at 858-410-0144.
Undergraduate Education
B.A., 1995, Indiana University, Double Major, Political Science and Germanic Studies
Postgraduate Education
J.D., 2001, University of San Diego School of Law
Professional Education
J.D., 2001, University of San Diego School of Law
Multi-day Divorce Mediation Training
Introductory Mediation Training
Advanced Family Law Mediation Training
32-hour Divorce Mediation Training
The Caucus Genie
The Negotiation Cycle
The Big Rocks: Preparing Your Clients for Settlement
So You Want to be a Mediator: Making the Paradigm Shift
“I’ve Got an Idea!” How to Make and Respond to Proposals
What the Heck Did They Agree to?? Note Taking for Mediators
The Collaborative Case from Hell
Reaching Diverse Markets in Collaborative Practice
Shawn D. Skillin APC, PO Box 91242, San Diego, CA 92169-3242 Phone: 619-299-4880
Mark Hill, CFP, CDFA, Pacific Divorce Management, LLC, 3525 Del Mar Heights Rd, #199, San Diego, CA 92130,
Stephanie Maloney, CFP, CDFA, Peace Talks Mediation Services, 8055 W. Manchester Ave. # 20, Playa del Rey, CA 90293,
Hal Barholomew, CLS-F, 4740 Folsom Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95819, 916-603-2913,
Nancy Ross, LCSW, BCD, Bauer Shepherd & Ross, P.O. Box 321377, Los Gatos, CA 95032, 408-973-1001,
2015-2016, President of Collaborative Practice California 2011, At Large Board Member of Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego 2010, Past President of Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego 2009, President of Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego 2007-2008, Secretary of the Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego 2006, At Large Board Member of Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego 2007 to Present, Chair of the Collaborative Standards Committee, Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego