Ana Sarabia

Hernan Cortes 15- entreplanta- of 1
Vigo, Pontevedra 36203
Vigo, Pontevedra 36203
Office Phone: +34686503618
Member since 2015
Membership Type: IACP
Lawyer, Mediator, Other Area(s) of Practice: Family Lawyer. Business Lawyer.
Member of the Group of Collaborative Law Practices of AGADECO in Galicia.
License(s): Lawyer, Mediator, Facilitator Community Processes, Primary Teacher
Professional Activities
Celebration of the Collaborative Law Conference of the Vigo Bar Association. Application of Collaborative Law in technology companies Celebration of Collaborative Law Conference for the business world. It had the participation of: Collaborative Law Association of Galicia.AGADECO, Asociación Gallega de Derecho Colaborativo Collaborative Law Association of Valencia. Asociación de Derecho Colaborativo de Valencia Navarra Collaborative Law Association. Asociación de Derecho Colaborativo de NavarraUndergraduate Education
San José Cluny.Hermanos Maristas
Postgraduate Education
Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Universidad Carlos III
Professional Education
Formacion continua en Mediación y Derecho Colaborativo además de conocimientos en arbitraje y conciliación.
Equality training in the business world
Participa en el Grupo de Prácticas de Comunicación No Violenta de Galicia. Presidenta de la Asociación Gallega de Derecho Colaborativo,AGADECO. Miembro de la Junta Directiva de FEDECOB ( Federación de Derecho y Practica Colaborativa Participa en el Proyecto