Laurel Amaya

745 S. Marengo Avenue, Ste 208
Pasadena, California 91106
United States
Office Phone: 6264412473
Member since 2008
Membership Type: IACP


Lawyer, Mediator
Area(s) of Practice: Family Law
License(s): Attorney at Law California 1993 Arizona 1994 ~

Professional Activities

~Chair, Pasadena Collaborative Divorce 2008-2012 ~Co-Chair, Family Law Section of Women Lawyer's Association of Los Angeles, 2000-2010 ~Academy of Professional Family Mediators Certified Advanced Practitioner Certified Mediator ~ ~

Undergraduate Education

University of California, Santa Cruz 1988

Professional Education

Southwestern University School of Law, 1993


I believe that families need better solutions than highly adversarial litigation to resolve their family law disputes. Lawyers should not instigate their clients to vindicitive court battles with the other parent, but should help their clients find viable, workable solutions to co-parenting and the resolution of marriage dissolution cases. In the years I have been practicing Collaborative Family Law, I have seen incredible transformations in parties as they were able to discover real and meaningful resolutions, which meant a better future for them and their children. Using the skills of attorneys and coaches together in a cooperative environment, where solutions are sought instead of victories, is significant improvement in the way our legal system resolves divorce and co-parenting issues. I am dedicated to this method of family law and believe it is a needed alternative to litigating a divorce.