Frank Morrison

925 Main St., 3rd Floor
Lynchburg, Virginia 24504
United States
Lynchburg, Virginia 24504
United States
Office Phone: 434-846-2768
Member since 2006
Membership Type: IACP
Lawyer, Mediator Area(s) of Practice: Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation
License(s): JD
Professional Activities
Partner, Phillips, Morrison & Ferrell, Lynchburg, concentrating on family law, mediation, and collaborative divorce ~ ~Commissioner in Chancery, Arbitrator and Judge pro tempore, 24th and 23rd Judicial Districts ~ ~Family and Circuit Court Mediator since 1982, certified by the Supreme Court of Virginia since 1993 with a current Advanced Family Certificate ~ ~Former Substitute Judge in Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts, 1982-2003 ~ ~Former Chair of Virginia State Bar/Virginia Bar Association on Alternative Dispute Resolution ~ ~Member of Board of Virginia Collaborative Professionals (VACP), Vice Chair Program Committee, Chair of Continuing Education Sub-Committee ~ ~Member and Former Chair of the CLE Subcommittee for the Virginia ADR Joint Committee Council ~ ~Member of Special Committee on the Resolution of Fee Disputes, Virginia State Bar ~ ~Former Member, Dispute Resolution Services Advisory Council, Supreme Court of Virginia ~ ~Former President and current member of Lynchburg Bar Association ~ ~Former Chair, on two occasions, of the Family Law Section, Lynchburg Bar Association ~ ~Former 24th Circuit Representative, Virginia State Bar Council for 13 years ~ ~Former Chair, Board of Governors, Family Law Section, Virginia State Bar ~ ~Member and Chair of CLE Committee, Domestic Relations Council, Virginia Bar Association ~ ~Member and Former Chair, VBA Domestic Relations Section Council ~ ~Former member of Board of Governors of the Virginia Bar Association, 2001-03 ~ ~Frequent lecturer and author on family law, mediation, and collaborative practice topics for Virginia CLE, Supreme Court of Virginia, Virginia Mediation Network, Virginia Bar Association, Virginia State Bar, VSB/VBA Joint Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution, The Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, the Lynchburg Bar Association, and the National Business Institute ~ ~Teacher, Domestic Relations, Evidence and Introduction to Law classes at Central VA Community College, Lynchburg, VA, 1981-1991 ~ ~Adjunct Professor, Washington and Lee University, School of Law, Negotiation, Mediation, and Collaboration, Basic and Advanced courses, August 2004 to present ~ ~Recipient of a Founder of ADR in Virginia award, June 2004 ~ ~Recipient of Gardener G. DeMallie, Jr. Continuing Legal Education Award, June 2005 ~ ~Recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award presented by Virginia State Bar's Family Law Section, June 2006 ~ ~Basic collaborative law training, June 13-14, 2004, and November 1-2, 2004 ~ ~3-Day Interdisciplinary team training and training the trainers by the Collaborative Divorce Team Trainings in December, 2007, in Phoenix, Arizona, and 3-day Interdisciplinary team training and assisting training by the Collaborative Divorce Team Trainings in Gaithersburg, Maryland, in May, 2008, and in Roanoke, Virginia, in September, 2008 ~ ~Named 2007 to present Virginia Super Lawyer by publishers of Richmond magazine and is one of the 2007 to present Virginia Legal Elite by publishers of Virginia Business magazine ~ ~Co-lead trainer, 30 hour Interest-Based Negotiation and Mediation Skill Training for Collaborative Professionals in Northern Virginia - December 2008, and in Lynchburg, Virginia, in February, 2009 and November, 2009 and Winchester, Virginia in February 2010 and in Washington, D.C. in September/October 2010 ~ ~Co-lead trainer of 2-day team trainings in Bridgewater, Virginia, in October, 2008, and in Charlottesville, Virginia, in March of 2009, and a trainer and facilitator of 3-day interdisciplinary team training in Norfolk, Virginia, in May of 2009, conducted by CPTI. ~ ~Trainer of 3-day Interdisciplinary Team Training in Roanoke, VA in November 2010 and co-lead trainer of 3-day Interdisciplinary Team Training in March of 2011 ~ ~A founding and current member of the Collaborative Practice Training InstituteUndergraduate Education
Washington and Lee University '67
Professional Education
Washington and Lee School of Law '70
Frank West Morrison has been heavily involved in teaching and attending mediation and other CLE ADR courses since he was originally trained as a mediator in 1982. He has been certified to receive court-referred mediation cases by the Virginia Supreme Court since 1993 and currently holds an Advanced Family Mediation Certificate from the Virginia Supreme Court. He received his initial basic collaborative law training in Charlottesville on June 13-14, 2004, led by Janice Pritchard and David Carter and also attended and helped facilitate the basic collaborative law training with the Lynchburg Family Law Section in Lynchburg, Virginia, on November 1-2, 2004, led by David Carter and Brad Hunter. He was a planner and co-lecturer of a Virginia CLE-approved Collaborative Family Law Ethics course given by the Lynchburg Family Law Section on April 15, 2005, and was a co-lecturer on a 3-hour course, Collaborative Family Law: Practice and Ethics, sponsored by the Virginia CLE and the Virginia Bar Association Domestic Relations Section held on August 18, 2005, in Northern Virginia. He also attended a 14-hour CLE course on Negotiation led by David G. Gold in New York, New York on December 9-10, 2004, and a 6.5 hour negotiation CLE video in Charlottesville, Virginia, at the Virginia CLE office led by Charles Craver. Frank was a moderator for a 1.5 hour program held at the VBA Winter Meeting in January, 2005, and the VBA Annual Summer Meeting held in June, 2005, entitled 'A New ADR Model for the 21st Century: Introduction to the Collaborative Family Law Process.' He also recently completed two courses, 'Introductory Three-Day Interdisciplinary Team Training' and 'Training the Trainers,' offered by Collaborative Divorce Team Trainings in Phoenix, Arizona and assisted in Basic Interdisciplinary Training in Gaithersburg, Maryland. These courses all complied with International Academy of Collaborative Professionals standards for trainers and trainings. Amongst other instructor activities in 2010, Frank recently was an instructor for a several 30-hour courses on Mediation and Interest Based Negotiation Skills for Collaborative Professionals as well as 20 hour courses on Basic Interdisciplinary Training. Frank West Morrison has been a partner in the law firm of Phillips, Morrison, Johnson, & Ferrell since 1991 and has been named a Virginia Super Lawyer by the publishers of Richmond Magazine and as one of the Virginia Legal Elite by the publishers of Virginia Business Magazine. He is also recipient of the 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Virginia State Bar family law section, 2005 recipient of the Gardner G. Demallie, Jr., Continuing Legal Education award and has been recognized by the VSB-VBA Joint Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution in 2004 as a 'founder of ADR.' He also teaches a basic negotiation and mediation course and an advanced course in negotiation, mediation and collaborative practice at Washington & Lee University Law School in Lexington, Virginia and is certified by the Supreme Court of Virginia as a trainer of basic and circuit court family mediation training.