Cat Zrymiak

100, 85 Cranford Way
Sherwood Park, Alberta T8H 0H9
Sherwood Park, Alberta T8H 0H9
Office Phone: 780-570-3741
Member since 2007
Membership Type: IACP
LawyerHaving a lawyer by your side as you go through a divorce is the fairway. Divorce is a change and I help you plan that change. You are each experts of your own family, children, income and finances. You should be an informed decision-maker with your spouse as you plan your future. This is a kitchen table discussion with lawyers and other professionals present to help you make the best decisions going forward.
Area(s) of Practice: Family Law
License(s): Barrister & Solicitor, Active Member of the Law Society of Alberta, 1986
Undergraduate Education
Carleton University Ottawa, 1981
Postgraduate Education
University of Ottawa, 1984
Judge Advocate General, 1988-1992
Professional Education
Collaborative Training with Stu Webb
Transformative Mediation, Insight Mediation
Interest Based Negotiation (Advanced)