Chad Olsen

1250 NE Loop 410 Ste 315
San Antonio, Texas 78209
United States
San Antonio, Texas 78209
United States
Office Phone: 210-828-2058
Member since 2019
Membership Type: IACP
LawyerI devote most of my practice to helping families resolve conflict out of court. While family conflict of any form is immensely difficult, I strive to help my clients clearly identify and assess the major legal issues that can be hidden amidst broken relationships. In every case, I teach my clients practical conflict resolution skills for the issues they face now and those that lie in the road ahead. And as often as I'm able, I steer them toward client-driven processes that help to both minimize exposure to unnecessary conflict and facilitate creative, custom-tailored solutions within safe and confidential processes outside of the courthouse.
Area(s) of Practice: Divorce, Collaborative Law, Mediation, Adoption, Clarification and Enforcement of the Division of Civil Service and Military Retirement Benefits, Wills and Probate
License(s): Texas, 2005
Undergraduate Education
Texas A&M University, 2002
Professional Education
Texas Tech University, 2005