Lauren Behrman

522 Main Road
Monterey, Massachusetts 01245
United States
Monterey, Massachusetts 01245
United States
Office Phone: 914-288-8428
Member since 2007
Membership Type: IACP
Mental Health ProfessionalHelping parents protect their children through the crisis of divorce
Area(s) of Practice: Child Specialist, Divorce Coach, Mediation, Parenting Coordinator
License(s): Psychologist, NYS 008524-1
~School Psychologist, NYS
Professional Activities
-Workshop Presenter ~Trainer for Basic Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training ~Mentor -Principal at The Practice Institute ~Special Master, CT Regional Family Trial DocketUndergraduate Education
Simmons College, Boston, Mass. BA with honors in Psychology and Sociology 6/74
Postgraduate Education
Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY MA 6/78, PhD in Clinical Psychology 6/85
Postgraduate Center for Mental Health- Postdoctoral Certificate in Child, Adolescent and Family Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Professional Education
Mediation Training at Ackerman Institute, 2006, Center for Understanding in Conflict, 2011
Advanced Training in Parent Coordination, 2011
Over the past 13 years, I have developed a subspecialty in providing services for families in the midst of divorce. Beginning with high conflict co-parent counseling and parenting coordination, the idea of collaborative divorce as a saner and emotionally safer way for families to transition was a natural extension of my practice. I have been a pioneer as the New York Collaborative Law Group incorporated mental health and financial professionals and evolved into the New York Association for Collaborative Professionals. I served on the board of NYACP from 2006-2013, and have been very active in growing our practice group, developing excellence in our practice and creating community knowledge and acceptance of Collaborative Practice. I especially enjoy training new collaborative practitioners on our practice groups' training team!