Andrew Hoffman

Mandeville, Louisiana 70471
United States
Financial ProfessionalAndrew is the President of Hoffman Divorce Strategies, a firm that has assisted family law attorneys with the preparation of reports for property and support litigation or negotiation and pension division orders since 1999. He has been qualified as an expert witness in Louisiana and Federal Courts and has been appointed as the Court’s expert and special Master in Louisiana.
Andrew has practiced as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst since 1999 and was a Regional Director and the chairman of the Editorial Committee of the Advisory Steering Committee of the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts from 2002-2013. In 2023 he completed his qualification as a Certified QDRO Specialist. He has been a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certificant since 1996, a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant in England and Wales since 1978 and is a foreign associate member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Andrew has presented on Financial Issues related to Divorce in the United States, England, Australia and Canada. He has been interviewed by the Investment Advisor, the Wall Street Journal and the Times-Picayune.
Andrew has been a trainer on Interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce Trainings in the United States, Canada and Australia, has completed Basic Divorce Mediation Training and privately mediates and co-mediates Property Issues.
Andrew can be reached at, Louisiana 985-674-1120, through his website