Elizabeth Thayer

Clinton, Connecticut 06413
United States
PsychologistI am dedicated to working with families of divorce to find alternative dispute models that reduce the conflict for parents and children. I am the cofounder of the P.E.A.C.E. program for high conflict families. In addition, I am devoted to developing and growing collaborative practice for. all nationally and internationally. I am a mediator and collaborative divorce family professional and trainer of collaborative practice.
Professional Activities
Member of the Board or Examiners in Psychology Ct. 1988-2008 Board Member Children's Law Center, Hartford, Ct. Board Member Copper Beech Mindfulness Institute, West Hartford, Ct. Trainer for theConnecticut Collaborative Divorce Training Group Co-Chair Access to Collaborative Committee IACP Co-Chair Trainers Group IACP Member of the UCLA Committee for Ct. Council for Non-Adversarial Divorce (CCND)Undergraduate Education
Goucher College B.A. 1973
Postgraduate Education
Harvard University Ed.M. 1974
University of Rhode Island Ph.D. Psychology 1978
Professional Education
Post Doctoral Fellowship The Devereux Foundation 1978-1979
2 Day Basic Collaborative Training with Attorney Barbara Aaron and James Russell CPA
Advanced Training in "How Do We Listen"
2 Day Basic Training November 2015
2 Day Basic Training November 2016
2 Day Basic Training planned for November 2017 in Hartford Ct.
All with Attorney Barbara Aaron and James Russell CPA
2 Day Basic Training
Attorney Barbara Aaron
Attorney Meghan Freed
Attorney Kristin Marcroft
I have been involved in Collaborative Practice formally as a trained practitioner for 3 years. I am also a trained divorce mediator. I co-founded the P.E.A.C.E. program for high conflict parents and have trained professionals throughout the country in those techniques of conflict mediation. I designed and implemented an Access To Collaborative program in Hartford, Ct. serving the entire spectrum of diversity and socioeconomic clients and continue to be active in the mission of providing the collaborative process of conflict resolution for all. I am a trainer in basic and advanced collaborative practice in Ct. and on Zoom.