Nancy Ross
Los Gatos, California 95032
United States
Mental Health ProfessionalNancy J. Ross, LCSW, BCD is a co-founder of Collaborative Divorce and principal of Bauer, Shepherd & Ross & Associates (BSR), a psychotherapy practice in Cupertino, CA. As a clinician for over 30 years, Nancy has specialized in couples’ and family therapy Currently, over 85% of the practice is dedicated to collaborative work. She is also a mediator for both custody and post-divorce issues. A founding member of the International Association of Collaborative Professionals (IACP), Nancy has also served on both the ethics and standards committees of IACP. She has taught Collaborative Practice at Santa Clara University. Nancy is is a co-author of Divorce: A Problem to be Solved, Not a Battle to be Fought and author of numerous articles on Collaborative Divorce. She continues to teach and train in the Collaborative Divorce model both nationally and internationally. One of her particular interests is coaching and training other professionals in Collaborative Practice. Currently she is developing trainings for Collaborative Trusts and Estates work.
Professional Activities
Co-Founder and co-Developer of Collaborative Divorce model ~International Trainer Collaborative Divorce Trainings ~Founding IACP Board Member ~Consultant and Trainer - Collaborative Divorce Team Trainings LLC ~Member and Trainer - Collaborative Practice Silicon ValleyUndergraduate Education
Boston University, B.A. Psychology, Summa cum Laude Valedictorian
Postgraduate Education
San Jose State University, M.S.W. Honors
Nancy introduced me to the extraordinary value of interdisciplinary practice. Learning from and teamwork with mental health professionals transformed my practice. I am forever grateful.