Louise Livesay-Al

St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
United States
LawyerMy professional life became transformed when I learned about Collaborative Pratice. I realized that rather than being part of a system that often further damages family relationships, I could be part of a restorative system. The Collaborative process helps couples and families transition to their new configuration and pays attention to family relationships by creating enduring and lasting agreements that work for both parties and their children. My practice is focused primarily on Collaborative family law, mediation, and cooperative settlement, as well as estate planning and appellate work. I provide a one hour consultation at no cost, often with both parties, to discuss their options and inform them about the value of using the Collaborative process.
Professional Activities
Member of the Collaborative Law Institute, Minnesota ~CLI Public Education/Outreach co-chair ~CLI Board of Trustees, Secretary 2008 ~Member of the International Association of Collaborative Professionals ~Member of Minnesota State Bar Association and ~Family Law Section, Estate & Trust Section ~Member of Ramsey County Bar Association ~Volunteer Attorney with Southern MN Regional Legal Services ~Undergraduate Education
University of Minnesota, BA in Psychology
Professional Education
Hamline University School of Law, J.D.
Collaborative Practice pays attention to the relationships within families and calls on each party and their attorney to bring their best selves to the process. By doing so, participants can be mindful of each party's needs and desires when deciding how best to end the marriage, divide property, redefine the family, and begin new lives. The collaborative process helps individuals make better decisions about their futures, create longer lasting and mutually acceptable settlements, and minimize the emotional and financial cost of divorce. I know that divorcing couples, and their children, who use the collaborative process walk away stronger and in a better position emotionally, financially and relationally than if they took the adversarial route. I am committed to making the transition from divorce respectful and dignified.