Brittany Tyler

Berkeley, California 94702
United States
Lawyer, Mediator“Do not cut what can be untied.” This proverb illustrates my goal while working with people in conflict. I started my legal career litigating contentious cases in family court, where I witnessed firsthand how litigation further destroyed many people’s relationships, often unnecessarily. My proudest moments from my litigating days were not the trial victories I won in court, but the settlements I negotiated where both my client and the opposing party felt lighter and less resentful towards each other by the end, and even sometimes where relationships were restored. Success to me means handling each case with attention and care, fostering empathy and understanding, and minimizing harm and damage as much as possible.
I have now transitioned completely into alternative dispute resolution to help families resolve their issues in a non-adversarial setting. I apply a compassionate, holistic and human-focused approach in my practice. I work collaboratively as a mediator and also as a consulting attorney for parties in mediation. I am fluent in Spanish and offer bilingual services as well. I am currently a member of The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP), the Center for Understanding in Conflict, Community Boards, and the Academy of Professional Family Mediators.
Prior to obtaining my JD degree from UC Berkeley School of Law, I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree from UC Berkeley, with a major in International Development and a minor in Anthropology. After graduating, I worked as an in-home caretaker for an elderly woman with Alzheimer’s Disease, and then moved to Argentina, where I learned Spanish, studied (and practiced) the art of clowning, and taught English as a Second Language (ESL). In all my work and play, I strive to connect with people on a deeper level, to truly understand them and to help them understand themselves better and those with whom they are in relationship.
Undergraduate Education
UC Berkeley
Postgraduate Education
UC Berkeley School of Law