Michael Sampson

201 S Lawsona Blvd
Orlando, Florida 32801
United States
Orlando, Florida 32801
United States
Office Phone: 8636515285
Member since 2014
Membership Type: IACP
LawyerCollaborative family law attorney, Michael P Sampson, handles collaborative matters only. His clients chose to resolve their issues out-of-court and respectfully.
For each collaborative divorce client, Michael works with fellow collaborative lawyers, neutral mental health professionals, financial neutral professionals, and allied professional experts. He helps couples identify their interests and resolve issues for themselves and their family.
Area(s) of Practice: Exclusively Collaborative Divorce, Collaborative Family Law, and Collaborative Civil matters. Issues include divorce, custody, timesharing, alimony, property division, support, family trusts, and closely-held businesses in divorce.
License(s): Florida Bar, 1986
Professional Activities
Central Florida Collaborative Divorce (Member 2014-present) Central Florida Collaborative Divorce (Board Member 2017-2020) Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (Member 2014-present) Global Collaborative Law Council (February 2023-present) Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (May 2023-present) American Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section - Collaborative Practice Subcommittee (2018-present)Undergraduate Education
Cornell University, 1983
Postgraduate Education
Duke University, MA Economics 1986
Professional Education
Duke University School of Law, 1986
Are you a mom or dad who'd like to get through a traumatic life event – your breakup or divorce – emotionally intact? Will you be prepared to model for your kids how adults can work with each other to solve problems? The Collaborative Process is a peaceful way for you to resolve your family, business, and other disputes. The Collaborative Process engages a professional team: a lawyer for each party, a neutral financial professional, and a neutral facilitator. Your Collaborative Divorce team helps you: *Learn what you need to know to make the best decisions about your future; *Retain control over your divorce or other family matters; *Keep your dispute private; *Plan a better future for your restructured family; *Continue pursuing joint family and business goals together and civilly. Collaborative Practice provides you and your spouse or partner support and guidance of your own lawyers. You stay out of court. In Collaborative Practice, you benefit from coaches and child and financial specialists working together with you as your team. These professionals are called Allied Professionals. The Collaborative Process helps you: • Negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution without having courts decide issues. • Communicate openly and share information honestly – no subpoenas, depositions, interrogatories, requests for production. • Create solutions to reach your goals and priorities.