Zinta Harris

Level 22, 127 Creek Street
Brisbane, Queensland 4000
Office Phone: +61413941453
Member since 2018
Membership Type: IACP


Lawyer, Solicitor

I am a specialist wills and estates lawyer based in Brisbane, Australia with over 20 years experience in contested estates and complex estate administration. I am on a mission to change the way contested estates are dealt with, by bringing collaborative practice to estates to help grieving families reach values based resolution early (keeping their families and the hard earned inheritance of their loved one in tact) - rather than heading down a litigation pathway.

I am also excited by the potential for collaborative practice / family mediation in the pre-mortem context (as a preventative strategy), and am presently working with estate planning lawyers to help families understand clearly the willmaker's wishes and financial circumstances and to facilitate expression of any concerns that might otherwise result in a future contest - during the planning phase.

I welcome contact from any other IACP members who are working in the wills and estates field.

Area(s) of Practice: Contested Estates, Pre-mortem family collabrative practice, Estate law mediations
License(s): Accredited Specialist Succession Law (Qld) Accredited Specialist Business Law (Qld) Member of Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners (STEP) Accredited Collaborative Practitioner Nationally Accredited Mediator

Undergraduate Education

LLB University of Queensland, 1993

Professional Education

Accredited Specialist Succession Law (Qld)
Accredited Specialist Business Law (Qld)
Member of Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners (STEP)
Accredited Collaborative Practitioner
Nationally Accredited Mediator