Beth Appelsmith

2315 Capitol Ave., Suite 100
Sacramento, California 95816
United States
Sacramento, California 95816
United States
Office Phone: 916-239-2315
Member since 2005
Membership Type: IACP
Lawyer, MediatorBeth Appelsmith provides experienced representation in all areas of family law. Her office is dedicated to helping clients and their families resolve conflict and move forward in their lives. Beth Appelsmith offers competent and compassionate guidance thorough interdisciplinary collaborative practice services and mediation. She also offers assistance and coaching to help self represented litigants in family law cases.
Area(s) of Practice: Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation
License(s): Juris Doctor, 1986
Professional Activities
Member: Sacramento County Bar Association (Family Law, 1991-); State Bar of California (Family Law, 1991-). ~ ~Biography: Judge Pro Tem, Sacramento County Superior Court, 2001-. Member: Child Custody Subcommittee of Family Law Executive Committee; Sacramento Minor's Counsel Board of Directors, Sacramento Collaborative Practice Group Board of Directors, Sacramento Collaborative Practice Group Court LiaisonUndergraduate Education
Oregon State University, B.S., with high honors, 1983
Postgraduate Education
McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific, J.D., 1986
I believe Collaborative Practice is an excellent alternative for most divorcing couples, especially those with children. Collaborative Practice allows the parties to control their process and their outcome, and provides a team approach, which makes sure that all aspects of the case are addressed by qualified professionals. Collaborative provides the opportunity for a couple to have the 'best divorce' possible. Regardless of the type of family law case, we strive to treat our clients and our professional colleagues with dignity and consideration through cooperation and respectful communication.