Member Directory

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Collaborative Practice Silicon Valley
Palo Alto, California, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
Area(s) of Practice: Collaborative Divorce, Mediation, Family Law, Premarital, Postmarital, RDP and living-together agreements
License(s): Admitted to the California State Bar, 1994 ~Certified Family Law Specialist as of 2002
Rockville, Maryland, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Financial Professional
Area(s) of Practice: Financial, Mediation, Other, Teaching
License(s): ~Registered Investment Advisor
Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Roanoke
Roanoke, Virginia, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer, Mediator
Area(s) of Practice: Collaborative Divorce, Collaborative Family Law, Family Law, Mediation (including complex property issues, parenting and support matters).
License(s): Virginia State Bar Certified Mediator, Supreme Court of Virginia
Edina, Minnesota, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
Area(s) of Practice: Business Law, Collaborative Law, Estate Law, Family Law
Collaborative Practice Institute of Michigan
Shelby Twp, Michigan, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
Collaborative Law Institute of Georgia
Roswell, Georgia, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Financial Professional
Area(s) of Practice: Business and Individual Taxes, Bookkeeping, FInancial Consulting, Divorce Consulting, Mediation
License(s): CPA, CDFA, Civil and Domestic Mediator
Oregon Association of Collaborative Professionals
Lake Oswego, Oregon, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Psychologist
North Sound Collaborative Law
Bellevue, Washington, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Financial Professional
Area(s) of Practice: Mortgage Planning and Lending - emphasis in interest based settlement negotiation and resolution options with respect to ownership, transfers, qualification and lending guidelines of residential properties
License(s): MLO#176331
Association of Collaborative Practitioners
Skibbereen, Cork, Ireland
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
Cleveland Academy of Collaborative Professionals
Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
The Collaborative Connection of Connecticut
Danbury, Connecticut, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
Area(s) of Practice: Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation
License(s): Juris Doctorate
Nebraska Academy of Collaborative Professionals
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Mental Health Professional
Area(s) of Practice: Mental health service to youth and adults Collaborative divorce: mental health coach and child specialist Consultation and supervision to mental health professionals
License(s): LIMHP, CMSW, BCD
Collaborative Practice Golden Gate
San Francisco, California, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Mental Health Professional, Mediator
Area(s) of Practice: Collaborative Law, Divorce Coach, mediator, discernment counselor, psychotherapy for adults and couples.
License(s): LCSW LCS15391 Licensed 1990
New Look Collaborative Practice Group
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer, Mediator
Area(s) of Practice: Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation
License(s): Member of the British Columbia Bar (Law Society of British Columbia) former Member of the Ontario Bar (Law Society of Upper Canada)
Collaborative Divorce Dallas
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer, Mediator
Area(s) of Practice: Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation
License(s): Texas 2006