Saturday: Stu Webb Lecture - Modern Families: Courageous Conversations about Culture, Diversity, and Divorce

According to Heine (2010), culture refers to “any kind of information that is acquired from members of one’s species through social learning that is capable of affecting an individual’s behaviors”. It also “refer[s] to groups of people who exist within a shared context, where they are exposed to similar institutions, engage in similar practices, and communicate with each other on a regular basis” (p.3). It can be postulated that today’s family structures are distinct cultural groups with their own beliefs and practices that inform their resilience and capacity to cope with change. Like the families served, the cultural nature of the professional teams informs the complexities of the divorce discourse. Embedded in this discourse is the conceptualization that implicit bias is arguably an innate human condition, a to-be-expected context that is operating for both the client and the professional. The collaborative divorce model, from an epistemological perspective, is well positioned to aptly struggle with addressing such complexities. Join Dr. Theopia Jackson and Anne Lucas as they discuss multiculturalism and its impact on changing family structures. In order to better serve the diverse communities in which we practice, we must have a clear understanding of the evolving views and values of 'modern families,' and be comfortable discussing some of the most feared and fragile topics. From sexual orientation to religion, politics to race, we'll delve into these delicate (but crucial) conversations to provide alternative and transformative approaches to conflict resolution in diverse contexts. Through the modeling of such courageous conversations, we hope to promote the collective experience of opening our heads and hearts to achieve optimal collaboration.

Theopia Jackson, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in child, adolescent, & family therapy, with particular attention to issues of complex trauma, multiculturalism, resilience, and social justice. She is the Chair of the Clinical Psychology Degree Program at Saybrook University, has medical privileges at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland, and is President-Elect of the Association of Black Psychologists.

Anne Robinson Lucas, MA LMHC is a licensed mental health counselor, mediator and Collaborative Divorce Coach specializing in couples, families and partners in conflict and transition. She is the Treasurer of IACP's Board of Directors.

Forum Session Type: 
Session Date/Time: 
Saturday, October 27, 2018 - 11:00 to 12:30