IACP Board Expression of Interest


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Thank you for your interest in IACP Board Service.  There are three steps to completing your application:

  1. Review the Board of Director Service: Information and Expectations document.
  2. Complete the application form below. There are 12 questions. We encourage you to review the full application prior to begininning. You can draft your responses offline and then submit at once, or you have the option of saving a draft before submitting.
  3. Contact the two individuals who will provide references. Please forward their reference letters directly to IACP. Click here for the email address.

NOTE: All applications and recommendation letters must be received by February 14, 2025 to be considered.
For those who are interested in applying for the Board and are NOT an IACP member, please email us to receive an application. 

Please login to your IACP account prior to beginning the form.