IACP Forum prospectus for sponsors, advertisers & exhibitors
The Annual Networking and Educational Forum is the largest and most preeminent gathering of Collaborative professionals from around the world.
For complete information on all opportunities, view the full Forum Prospectus here.
The 2020 Forum has transitioned to an online, virtual event and promises to be another incredible opportunity for networking, education and sharing of best practices. Supporting partners and IACP members will not want to miss out on the sponsorships and events associated with this tremendous conference.
Our Forum by the Numbers...
With the flexibility and accessibility of virtual programs, we anticipate a broader audience with a larger global representation. More than 800 attendees, including lawyers, mental health professionals, financial professionals, and other Collaborative practitioners from several countries are expected to attend the Forum.
TEN exciting and education-packed days (October 19-29, 2020) for attendees to increase their knowledge and network with peers. Participants will leave feeling inspired and energized to help families navigate conflict peacefully through the Collaborative process.
More than 70 of the most seasoned and highly-sought-after Collaborative professionals and influencers will lead over 30 workshops, including EIGHT advanced-level Pre-Forum Institutes.
The deadline for all sponsorships is September 15, 2020.
For Exclusive Partnership Opportunities please contact atm@collaborativepractice.com.