Past Presidents

Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation, Teaching

Collaborative Law,Family Law,Mediation,Trainer

Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation

Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation

Collaborative Law, Family Law, Guardian Ad Litem, Mediation, Parenting Coordinator, Arbitration

Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation

Collaborative Law, Family Law, Financial, Teaching

Collaborative Divorce Coach, Collaborative Practice Trainer, Family Mediator, Speaker

Collaborative Practice; Mediation

Family Law

Divorce Coach, Mediation, Couples Coaching, Parent Coaching, Pre-marital and Remarriage

Past President
Julia brings problem solving, collaboration, and facilitation skills to her diverse roles with clients. Identifying present concerns, historical factors, and future aims, Julia guides clients to increasing self-awareness and growth to achieve their goals, whether personal or professional.

Divorce Coach, Child Specialist, and Mediation

Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation, Trainer

Collaborative Law,Family Law, Mediation, Teaching, Trainer, Facilitator
Collaborative Divorce, Integrative Law, Neuroscience of Conflict Resolution. Practitioner, trainer, workshop leader, speaker.

Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation, Teaching, Trainer

Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation