Collaborative Practice

24º Foro Anual de Redes y Educación de la IACP: Cambie el Futuro Colaboración - Cómo Importan el Cambio Global y las Redes

La Academia Internacional de Profesionales Colaborativos (IACP) se llevó a cabo del 19 al 22 de octubre de 2023 en el Westin Harbour Castle en Toronto, Ontario, Canadá y fue un gran éxito.

IACP 24th Annual Networking & Educational Forum: Change the Future Collaborate - How Global Change and Networking Matters

The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) was held on October 19 – 22, 2023 at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and was a huge success. This is a time where IACP members around the globe come together on a yearly basis to share new ideas and thoughts on how “we” as a united community can spread the word of collaboration. It is a time for us to share, grow and learn from our fellow colleagues. However, exciting changes are in the forefront for IACP. 


Same-Sex Collaborative Divorce is No Different….

The last several years have allowed me the privilege to work on many types of Collaborative divorce cases, but I was particularly enthusiastic when I was asked to join the team on a same-sex collaborative divorce case last year.  My goal as a financial neutral is to be consistently learning and growing.  The United States Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states in June 2015.  But, until early 2021, I had not encountered a same-sex divorce case inclined to go Collaborative.

How Money Matters Can Impact Divorce This is Part Three of A Three Part Blog By: Catherine Eaton, Esq., Kristin Wallace, PhD and Megan Wolfe, CPA

Money is by far the most common point of conflict between separating couples. It is important to realize that money in of itself is often not the primary issue; rather, what money symbolizes for people, what it represents, and how it provides identity are the real underlying points of contention.

Ode to the Collaborative Divorce Process on Father’s Day: Preserving Your Family’s Legacy Long After the Divorce

I am a daughter of divorce and a divorce attorney.  Most collaborative professionals have reasons why they have chosen to put down their armor and swords and the bludgeoning tactics of court battles and do divorce differently.  My reasons resonate in my practice, but I have only recently started to share, and this is the first time in writing, that I am a collaborative divorce attorney because my family legacy was decimated while I was almost 10 years into my practice as a family law litigator. I have been practicing 17 years.

A GLOBAL RESET: #StrongerTogether

How to make the best of the circumstances in which we find ourselves is a topic that has been written about and discussed throughout history. This is particularly apropos now, as we find ourselves in a worldwide pandemic. Being a person fortunate enough to have been born with “the optimist gene,” I read all I can on the topic of anything that motivates, inspires, or educates me on topics of interest. In today’s climate, I believe all of us can benefit from some extra inspiration and encouragement.

A New Virus in Spain

According to the last information from the Spanish government, as of June 15, 2020, 27,940 people have died due to COVID-19.

From March 13, 2020, our life and country have changed. We could not meet with friends, visit family, walk down the street, or hug. Our country closed down. For many days Spain was in the headlines worldwide due to the spread of infections and many deaths.

Obviously, the courts were closed. Terms of the statute of limitations were suspended. Our time seemed to stand still.

Doing Good Work: The Pro Bono Pilot Project in the 17th Judicial Circuit of Courts

As the co-chair of the Pro-Bono Pilot Project in the Broward County Court House, part of my job is to reach out to our local professional Collaborative community and gather volunteers (including attorneys, neutral facilitators, and neutral financial professionals), who are assigned into teams. When the project began to take off and cases started to be assigned, there was a buzz of excitement amongst our Collaborative professionals.  For many of them, they were finally getting to put the Collaborative Divorce Process into practice!

The Collaborative Child Specialist: Leading Families Through Liminality

For children experiencing their parents’ separation, the space between “what was” and “what is next” is a place of loss, waiting, and not knowing. The family is no longer what it once was, but not yet what it will be. Anthropologists have described the transition between states or statuses as “liminality.”