Member Directory

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Collaborative Practice Institute of Michigan
Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
Area(s) of Practice: Family Law - Handling the following cases: Divorce Separate Maintenance Paternity Child Custody Parenting Time Child Support Property Division Pension Division Enforcement of Orders Post-Divorce Modifications Pre-Marital Agreements
License(s): State Bar of Michigan - 2012
Collaborative Divorce Illinois
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
Area(s) of Practice: Collaborative Law / Family Law
License(s): Illinois
Collaborative Practice Institute of Michigan
Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
Area(s) of Practice: Adoption Law Child Custody, Visitation & Parenting Time Child Support, Spousal Support and Alimony Family Law Family Law & Divorce Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements Trusts & Estates
License(s): Michigan
Collaborative Practice Institute of Michigan
Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
Area(s) of Practice: Child Custody, Visitation & Parenting Time Child Support, Spousal Support and Alimony Family Law Family Law & Divorce Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements
Collaborative Practice Silicon Valley
San Jose, California, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Financial Professional
Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals
Brandon, Florida, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Financial Professional
Next Generation Divorce
Tampa, Florida, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Other
Area(s) of Practice: Commercial real estate appraisal.
License(s): MAI, Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ838
Virginia Collaborative Professionals
Fairfax, Virginia, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
Area(s) of Practice: Ms. Smith is a partner with the law firm of Cooper Ginsberg Gray in Fairfax, Virginia, where her practice focuses solely on family law matters including prenuptial agreements; Collaborative and traditional divorce processes; property division; custody, visitation, and support matters; post-divorce modification and enforcement matters; protective orders; and uncontested adoptions.
License(s): Ms. Smith is a member of the Virginia State Bar and the District of Columbia Bar.
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
New Look Collaborative Practice Group
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Financial Professional
Collaborative Practice Institute of Michigan
Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer
D.C. Academy of Collaborative Professionals
Oakton, Virginia, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Mental Health Professional
Area(s) of Practice: Psychotherapy with adolescents, families, and adults Psychological and psychoeducational evaluations Family and parenting consultation Mental health collaborative coach Co-parenting support Child specialist Divorce Consultation Divorce Mediation
License(s): Va License 0701006058
Iowa Collaborative Divorce
Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Mediator, Other
Area(s) of Practice: Training, collaborative facilitation, practice group development
License(s): Iowa
Iowa Collaborative Divorce
Ankeny, Iowa, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer, Mediator
Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals
TAMPA, Florida, United States
Member type: IACP
Profession(s): Lawyer